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For workingHoliday

leetcode (count-pairs-whose-sum-is-less-than-target) 오늘은 leetcode의 문제를 리뷰해 보겠습니다.문제는 주소는 이거예요!  https://leetcode.com/problems/count-pairs-whose-sum-is-less-than-target/ 일단.. 제 컴퓨터에서는 leet code가 안 켜지더라고요ㅜㅠ그래서 회사 컴퓨터로 점심시간에 풀었는데.. 또... 보안 때문에 캡처본을 보낼 수가 없어요,.,그래서.. 완전 아날로그?처럼 핸드폰으로 사진을 찍었는데.. 또,, 제 코드를 잘라서 찍었네요 ㅎ... 각설하고 문제 해설 들어갑니다. 해당 문제에는 num이라는 list와 target이라는 Int로 2개의 매개인자가 주어집니다. list는 {1,2,3,-1,5} 이런 식으로 무작위로 숫자가 들어가 있고, target에는 -2 이런 식으로 숫자..
Spring Spring is back, like an idol whom I desperately want to see. Cherry blossoms are already blooming, and some of them are ready to embrace their own love. Last year was really harsh for me; it felt like I didn't know how I could go on with the rest of my life. And then, suddenly, I came up with an idea: 'go on a working holiday.' My daily life changed because of it; it felt like all the gray cloud..
Hacker Rank Join and aggregation methon I will explain about 2 question about Join and aggregation throuhg hacker rank. first of all, this problem should be used join (or use sub query in where) To summarize question : it should be output the names of all cities where the continent is 'Africa' before checking the answer, please reading the statment. for solving this problem, I mentioned before, we can use join statement or sub query. ..
HackerRank SQL To summarize question : just get the max total earning from one table, Employee, and count it how many employees get the hight salary. for soving this problem, I need to conside how can I get the max earnings and how can I count the all of employees who get the most earnings. so, I choose to use aggregation method, SUM and COUNT. It was really easy to get max earnings but for counting the employ..
About me Hi. there. I just want to share with you about my life. I know my English is not perfect, so I considered before updating post, check the error in grammer, but I choose to not revise. Because it is not my real skill, so whether you understand what I said or not, I just write my life as my way. first of all, I want to introduce myself, I know it can be boring or you don't want to know me, but I w..